The Falcon Inn is a traditional 17th Century Coaching Inn located on the A6 road.
The haunting stems back to the days in which is was a busy coaching stop on the road to Leicester and Derby. The Inn is reputedly haunted by the ghost of a young ostler, said to have died having apparently fallen from the hayloft. The apparition has been sighted in the garden as well as inside the building. Disembodied footsteps, voices, cries of pain and a screaming baby have been heard. Items have also been reported to go missing.
Pictured left is the Falcon Inn courtesy of TripAdvisor.
The Falcon Inn,
Rushden Road,
MK44 1QN.
For further information, please read Haunted Places of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire by Rupert Matthews, Haunted Bedfordshire by William H. King and Haunted Bedford by William H. King.