Warfield, Berkshire, England

The New Leathern Bottle

The New Leathern Bottle

The author Donald Stuart lists the premises as the Leathern Bottle. The apparitions of a husband and wife, who were murderer and victim respectively in the 19th century, haunt it. Hannah Carey was caught having an affair with a local man. Her enraged husband took out his anger by beating her regularly, until on one occasion he so violently assaulted her that she died from her injuries. He was then hanged for her murder.


Since that time, there have been reports of a loud male voice declaring “dreadful oaths”, and the sounds of poor Hannah crying.

New Leathern Bottle,

Jealott’s Hill,


Berkshire, RG42 6ET.


For further information, please visit:



For further information, please read Haunted Taverns by Donald Stuart.


Visitor Information

Warfield is a village in Berkshire, England.

It was originally an Anglo-Saxon settlement and recorded in the Domesday Book as War-welt.

Pictured left is the New Leathern Bottle Pub.