Newchurch, Carmarthenshire, Wales

The church at Newchurch

The Dog of Darkness

A man named Davies was walking up a lane to Newchurch when he was confronted by “a great shaggy” Dog of Darkness. Davies struck at the ghost with his stick, which simply passed through it. However, with that action, the dog “grinned terribly” and disappeared.


For further information, please read Haunted Wales: A Guide to Welsh Ghostlore by Richard Holland.


Visitor Information

Newchurch or Llannewydd is a parish in Carmarthenshire in south-west Wales.

It is 5 km north of the town of Carmarthen on the banks of the river Gwili.

Pictured is the 12th century "new church" at Llannewydd/Newchurch courtesy of Colin Bell. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.